Friday Newsletter – February 7
Dear Families,
It has been a super exciting week with the snow! Students spent recess and lunch sliding, building, and enjoying being outside. As there appears to be more snow in the forecast, please refer again to the district’s process regarding weather-related closures, class cancellations and delayed school openings.
Literacy at John Muir
Literacy is a foundational skill that plays a crucial role in our children’s academic success and overall development. Literacy in the classroom involves students learning to read, to write, and to think critically. Reinforcing these skills at home is equally important. Reading together, discussing books, and encouraging writing helps to create a strong connect between classroom learning and everyday life.
To support the literacy connection between school and home, we will be introducing several reading initiatives over the next few months. On Tuesdays, look for a special newsletter that will share some tips to support literacy at home and promote our literacy initiatives. Thank you for supporting your children in their literacy learning!
Grade 4 Student Learning Survey
This week, parents of Grade 4 students received information about the Grade 4 Student Learning Survey. The survey will be administered at school for Grade 4 students. Parents, guardians and caregivers of Grade 4 students are also encouraged to participate in the survey as the results are important in identifying and celebrating current strengths, as well as determining where the school needs to focus improvement. The survey contains standard questions for the Province – in addition, questions from the school and/or district that focus on local conditions or issues may be included.
The survey can be completed electronically and can be accessed on the Internet at
The e-survey site will be open until May 2, 2025.
Important Dates
February 4, 11, 18, 25 – Grade 2 Swim (PM)
February 12 – Basketball game 3pm: Sooke vs John Muir @ JM
February 13 – Hot Lunch (Chompkins)
February 14 – Pro-D Day: No School
February 17 – Family Day: No School
From the PAC:
Hot lunches for January – March are open for ordering:
February 13 – Chompkins (orders due February 5)
February 20 – Popcorn
February 27 – Hara Sushi (orders due February 19)
March 6 – Popcorn
March 13 – White Spot (orders due March 5)
Orders can be made here
Next PAC Meeting: February 24, 9am in the library
If you have any questions regarding any PAC related topics, please send us an email at
John Muir PAC
The PAC would like to hear from the parents and caregivers at John Muir Elementary. We have created a google form with some questions to give us more info on what we have going on, and what you would like to see. Fill out the form for a chance to win a $15 credit to your child’s munchalunch account. Forms due January 29 and the draw will be January 30.
Click here to fill one out!
Hot lunches for January – March are open for ordering:
January 23 – Popcorn ($1.00, can be purchased day of)
January 30 – Pizza (orders due January 22)
February 13 – Chompkins (orders due February 5)
February 20 – Popcorn
February 27 – Hara Sushi (orders due February 19)
March 6 – Popcorn
March 13 – White Spot (orders due March 5)
Orders can be made here
Created By Kids art cards: Items have all finally made it into Sooke. We will have everything sorted and ready to go home by Monday afternoon. Please send us an email if you would like it sent home with your child at
Next PAC Meeting:
Monday, January 20 @ 9:00 am in the school library. If you would like to join online, please click here.
If you have any questions regarding any PAC related topics, please send us an email at
John Muir PA