Friday Newsletter – February 21, 2025
Dear Families,
It is hard to believe that the month of February is almost gone. We have had another action-packed week at John Muir. Here are some of the things that happened:
- Kookum Jo-Ina finished her three-week residency and made Metis crafts with students.
- Grade 2 continued their swim program.
- Divisions 7 and 8 did a whole school presentation about the Frog Moon, one of the thirteen Coast Salish Moons.
- Our basketball team had their second game on Wednesday and won! They displayed teamwork and great sportsmanship.
- We had our first pop-up play afternoon for children who will be starting Kindergarten in September.
Reading Challenge: On Wednesday, students received a reading challenge sheet. The purpose of the challenge is to complete one activity per day so that a literacy activity is practiced every day. Students have until March 13 to complete the challenge. Once completed, return the calendar to school for a prize and an entry for a book prize.
SPEAC is hosting an online MAR presentation on Monday, February 24. SPEAC is proud to host the Moms Against Racism presentation: Interrupting Unconscious Bias on Monday, February 24 at 7pm by Zoom. This workshop provides an introduction to unconscious bias, inviting participants to reflect upon how our ingrained beliefs influence our emotions, behaviours, and thoughts whether we realize it or not. With this understanding we explore ways bias is impacting our life and how to lessen its effects. Registration is now open: See attachment.
Grade 4 Student Learning Survey
This week, parents of Grade 4 students received the information about the Grade 4 Student Learning Survey. The survey will be administered at school for Grade 4 students. Parents, guardians and caregivers of Grade 4 students are also encouraged to participate in the survey as the results are important in identifying and celebrating current strengths, as well as determining where the school needs to focus improvement. The survey contains standard questions for the Province – in addition, questions from the school and/or district that focus on local conditions or issues may be included.
The survey can be completed electronically and can be accessed on the Internet at
The e-survey site will be open until May 2, 2025.
Important Dates
February 25 – Grade 2 swim
February 26 – Pink Shirt Day
February 26 – Basketball Game @ Poirier 3pm
February 27 – Hot Lunch – Sushi
From the PAC:
Hot Lunches:
February 27 – Hara Sushi
March 6 – Popcorn – can be purchased day of for $1.00
March 13 – White Spot – orders due March 5
Order here:
Veggie bundle and Easter Purdys fundraiser forms will be coming home soon. Keep an eye out for them. If you would like to go online and order Purdys now, click here Use account# 27939.
Next PAC Meeting is February 24 @ 9:00am in the library!
John Muir PAC
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