Dear Families,
As we approach the end of the second term, our teachers have been working diligently to assess students’ progress and complete report cards. This is an important time to reflect on the hard work and achievements of our students. We encourage parents to take some time over the break to sit down with your children, review their report cards and celebrate their successes this term. Your support and encouragement play a vital role in your children’s learning journey. We appreciate your partnership and look forward to an exciting final term!
On Wednesday, March 12, Ms. Rasheeda will be publishing report cards to MyEd for families to access. Should you have any difficulties accessing MyEd, please contact Ms. Rasheeda in the office.
From The Library
Our next Scholastic Book Fair will be happening on April 8, 9, and 10. Families can access the book fair before and after school and during learning tours. Ms. Merx will be looking for volunteers to help run the book fair. Closer to the dates, Ms. Merx will be sending out a link to sign-up.
Bannock and Books
Lost and Found
We have several items in our lost and found collection. The lost and found will be placed outside by the main entrance at the end of the day on March 7 and March 14. Any items not collected will be donated.
Grade 4 Student Learning Survey
This week, parents of Grade 4 students received the information about the Grade 4 Student Learning Survey. The survey will be administered at school for Grade 4 students. Parents, guardians and caregivers of Grade 4 students are also encouraged to participate in the survey as the results are important in identifying and celebrating current strengths, as well as determining where the school needs to focus improvement. The survey contains standard questions for the Province – in addition, questions from the school and/or district that focus on local conditions or issues may be included.
The survey can be completed electronically and can be accessed on the Internet at
The e-survey site will be open until May 2, 2025.
Important Dates:
March 12 – Term Two Report Cards published and available on MyEd
March 13 – White Spot (orders due March 5)
March 14 – Last day before Spring Break
From the PAC:
Hot Lunches:
March 13 – White Spot (orders closed)
Hot Lunches for the last half of the school year are available to order now!
Fresh to You Veggie Bundle fundraiser: Our veggie bundle fundraiser is almost over! We need 40 bundles to make this happen. Orders are due no later than
March 12. Orders can also be made on munchalunch.
Easter Purdys: Easter Purdys forms went home 2 weeks ago. Paper orders need to be back into the school by March 14, and online orders need to be completed by March 29. To view the online colour catalogue click here. To order online click here here. Chocolates from this fundraiser are the same prices as in store, but we receive 25% of the profits!
Next PAC Meeting is April 7 at 9:00am in the school library. Come and join us!
Hope you all enjoy your weekend!
John Muir PAC
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