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Literacy Newsletter #4
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Spring Break and Reading
Taking a little time over spring break to do some reading helps young readers maintain their literacy skills. Below are some tips for making spring break reading fun.
Make a library date: take your children to the library at the beginning of the week and let them choose any books that get them excited. Choosing books that your children enjoy keeps them reading.
Read with them:  reading with your children helps them to become more involved in the reading process and feel more confident. It only takes 15 minutes per day to keep your children on a reading schedule, and children love to have their parents/caregivers read with them.
Give them a challenge: set a minimum page limit for the week or set a minimum time amount for your children to read each day. A family reading challenge might be fun and when the challenge is met you could reward your children with a trip to the library or bookstore to get a new book.
Get excited with them: when your children are excited about a book, nurture that excitement by asking them questions about the characters, the story, and what makes the book special for them.
Limit screen time: limiting the amount of time your children have on tablets, phones, etc. allows your children to have more time for activities such as reading, playing outside, or going on an adventure in your community.

John Muir’s Read and Ride Event is on Thursday, April 17 from 1pm – 2pm.


Dear Families,
As we approach the end of the second term, our teachers have been working diligently to assess students’ progress and complete report cards. This is an important time to reflect on the hard work and achievements of our students. We encourage parents to take some time over the break to sit down with your children, review their report cards and celebrate their successes this term. Your support and encouragement play a vital role in your children’s learning journey. We appreciate your partnership and look forward to an exciting final term!
On Wednesday, March 12, Ms. Rasheeda will be publishing report cards to MyEd for families to access. Should you have any difficulties accessing MyEd, please contact Ms. Rasheeda in the office.
From The Library
Our next Scholastic Book Fair will be happening on April 8, 9, and 10. Families can access the book fair before and after school and during learning tours. Ms. Merx will be looking for volunteers to help run the book fair. Closer to the dates, Ms. Merx will be sending out a link to sign-up.
Bannock and Books
A poster for a book fair

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Lost and Found
We have several items in our lost and found collection. The lost and found will be placed outside by the main entrance at the end of the day on March 7 and March 14. Any items not collected will be donated.
Grade 4 Student Learning Survey
This week, parents of Grade 4 students received the information about the Grade 4 Student Learning Survey. The survey will be administered at school for Grade 4 students. Parents, guardians and caregivers of Grade 4 students are also encouraged to participate in the survey as the results are important in identifying and celebrating current strengths, as well as determining where the school needs to focus improvement. The survey contains standard questions for the Province – in addition, questions from the school and/or district that focus on local conditions or issues may be included.
 The survey can be completed electronically and can be accessed on the Internet at https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/education-training/k-12/support/student-learning-survey.
 The e-survey site will be open until May 2, 2025. 
Important Dates:
March 12 – Term Two Report Cards published and available on MyEd
March 13 – White Spot (orders due March 5)
March 14 – Last day before Spring Break
From the PAC:
Hot Lunches:
March 13 – White Spot (orders closed)
Hot Lunches for the last half of the school year are available to order now! https://munchalunch.com/login
Fresh to You Veggie Bundle fundraiser: Our veggie bundle fundraiser is almost over! We need 40 bundles to make this happen. Orders are due no later than 
March 12. Orders can also be made on munchalunch.
A poster of a group of kids raising their hands

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Easter Purdys: Easter Purdys forms went home 2 weeks ago. Paper orders need to be back into the school by March 14, and online orders need to be completed by March 29. To view the online colour catalogue click here. To order online click here here. Chocolates from this fundraiser are the same prices as in store, but we receive 25% of the profits!
A hand holding a bag of chocolate bunny candies

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Next PAC Meeting is April 7 at 9:00am in the school library. Come and join us!
Hope you all enjoy your weekend!
John Muir PAC
If you wish to stop receiving emails please let us know!

Wednesday March 12th, Super Pod – come join in the fun at Eagle Ridge Community Centre – 1089 Langford Parkway – 9-11.


On Friday, February 21, 2025

Strong Start Super Pod will be a Eagle Ridge Community Centre 1089 Langford Parkway 9 – 11 am


Join us for one, or all, of our drop-in Pop-Up Play Events.  This is an opportunity for Sooke children entering Kindergarten, in Fall 2025, to join a Kindergarten play time outside.  Please come to any school, not just your future school.  Come meet other children entering Kindergarten as well as current Kindergarten students, teachers, and staff.

Siblings are welcome!

Upcoming dates:

John Muir Elementary School – February 20th – 1:15 to 2 pm/June 12th – 1:15 to 2 pm

Saseenos Elementary School – April 24th – 1:15 to 2 pm

Poirier Elementary School – May 15th – 1:15 to 2 pm

Sooke Elementary School – March 6th – 11:00 to 11:45 am


Kindergarten Registration

As we prepare for the new year, we are excited to share important information about kindergarten registration for the 2025-26 school year.

If you are not registering a child for kindergarten next year, please disregard this email. If you know someone who needs to register their child for kindergarten next year, please share this information with them.

Eligibility for Kindergarten Registration

A child is eligible for kindergarten registration if they turn years old on or before December 31, 2025. This means the child must have been born in 2020. No exceptions can be made to this requirement.

Kindergarten Registration Dates

All children must register at their in-catchment school, determined by the family’s primary address. To find your in-catchment school, visit the School Locator tool. If you have a unique circumstance, you can submit a school change request form (click the link to view the dates). Please note that you must first register at your designated in-catchment school before submitting a school change request. Kindly be aware that school change requests are not guaranteed.

Nature Kindergarten

  • Registration opens: January 13, 2025, at 8:00 AM
  • Registration closes: January 17, 2025, at 4:00 PM
  • Attendance at an information session is a mandatory requirement for completing the registration process specifically for Nature Kindergarten. Click the link below to view the dates and locations of upcoming information sessions.
  • Learn more: Nature Kindergarten

French Immersion Kindergarten

  • Registration opens: January 13, 2025, at 8:00 AM
  • Registration closes: January 17, 2025, at 4:00 PM
  • An optional online information session will be held on January 8, 2025, at 6:30 PM.
  • Learn more: Kindergarten French Immersion

Note: If the number of registrations exceeds the available seats, a lottery will be conducted in accordance with our Student Enrolment Priorities. Families will be notified of the outcome before the Regular Kindergarten registration period begins.

Please note that families may not register for both Nature Kindergarten and French Immersion Kindergarten. If you are unsuccessful in securing a seat in one of these programs, you will need to register your child for Regular Kindergarten.

Regular Kindergarten

  • Registration opens: January 29, 2025, at 8:00 AM
  • Registration closes: February 5, 2025, at 4:00 PM
  • If registrations exceed the available seats at your in-catchment school, a lottery will be conducted following our Student Enrolment PrioritiesFamilies will be notified directly if they do not secure a seat and will be provided information about the designated overflow school.

After February 5, 2025, registration will continue an ongoing basis and will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis, also following our enrolment priorities.

Need Help?

If you have questions or need assistance with kindergarten registration, please contact us at info@sd62.bc.ca.

Information from School

Our schools will reach out to families registered for kindergarten in September before the end of May 2025.

Thank you for reviewing this information. We look forward to welcoming our newest learners to the Sooke School District!


Nature Kindergarten is a program of choice that takes place at Saseenos
and Sangster Elementary Schools. Parents/caregivers must attend a
mandatory information session to receive program information and a
registration form. Both sessions will offer the same information, so you
can attend either one.

Please click on link for the date and time of these information sessions.

Nature Kindergarten Parent Information Session – 2025



Mon. 8:30-11:30 – John Muir Classroom

Tue. 11:45-2:15 – Ed McGregor Park

Wed. 8:45-11:45 – John Muir Classroom

Thur. 8:30-11:30 – outdoor day John Muir Nature Playground

Fri. 8:30-11:30 – John Muir Classroom

The John Muir StrongStart Program operates five days each week and is open to parents/caregivers and their child(ren). It is a drop-in program for infants, toddlers and preschoolers. Please bring your child’s birth certificate to register for the program.

Weather restrictions for outdoor StrongStart Programs:

If the administration and/or StrongStart Facilitator feel that the program participants are at risk due to weather including high winds (30 km/hour + and swaying tree tops); persistent, strong rainfall; lightening; and/or temperatures below -5 degrees C, then program will end/close for the day.

strong start registration form